I may have told you this story before, so if I am repeating myself I apologize now and you may stop reading. Seriously though, what I am about to share with you, truly changed the course of my life.
Have I ever told you how I became interested in art? Let’s be real, how I became obsessed with art? Well, it wasn’t from my elementary art teacher, because we didn’t have any in our school. Our schools (unbeknownst to me) was quite poor. In fact, I learned not all that long ago that some schools are so fortunate as to have paid art teachers. Wait, what?! How cool is that!?
No, the woman who taught me to draw was my third grade teacher. I didn’t even really know what project we were about to start, but I was anticipating something great as I sat twitching in my little chair. Each student was given a small pack of drawing pastels. I adored my teacher, so I listened very carefully and followed her instructions precisely. Ms. Beeson carefully demonstrated how to draw each part and curve each line in a composition. She taught us how to mix colors, shade, envision the final product, and to think carefully about every step of our drawing. And somehow, when it was all done, we each had not only a masterpiece, but a much better understanding of HOW to draw. Every student had become a problem solver. We learned how to take a complex idea, and break it down into smaller much more doable pieces.
In that moment, I fell in love with art and never looked back.
Sadly, I am hearing more and more of the arts being cut from schools, because of budget deficits. (“deficit” really is a nasty word)
My heart is breaking.
It hurts me to think that children will not be given opportunities to learn to make the world more visually beautiful, or that they will not gain vital problem solving strategies, or that they will not know how to think outside of the box and form creative solutions. I am afraid that the creative side of the brain will never be developed. In turn new inventions may not happen, because we have not taught our students how to use the creative part of their minds.
It just cannot be.
I refuse to let it happen on my watch, so I got to work and created a resource that is ideal for every classroom teacher. Teachers like my Ms. Beeson. The bundle is chock-full of all the Elements and Principles of Art. It is created with elementary students in mind, as an introduction to the visual arts. Included are step-by-step instructions, lessons (that stretch a student’s right brain), answer keys, samples, and video clips. It is everything you need to be a Ms. Beeson for your students.
Here is your free sample. I am certain you will feel empowered and I trust you’ll be a Ms. Beeson for your kiddos. Who knows, it just might change their lives.
Definitely!!!! I love we share a passion for art.. yours is very easy to see because of your talent. Mine is seen in my class’s passion for art lessons!! Soul sisters!
You are so kind, Susan! I am so excited to hear that your students are loving the art lessons! Wonderful!