“If you don’t have pizazz, don’t bother.” -H. Hobbs

“If you don’t have pizazz, don’t bother.” -H. Hobbs

If you don’t have pizazz, don’t bother. -Harmony Hobbs

I am nearly giddy as I write this post!! One of my fave bloggers has broken the “Blog Code” for me! I finally get it! And I am certain I have been OVER THINKING this whole blogging thing!  It is not a challenge for me to talk to people {the reality is I could talk to a brick wall}. So why do I stare wide-eyed and terrified at a blank screen waiting for something magical to happen–or {even worse} write…delete…rethink…rewrite…delete…rethink…Do you see the vicious little cycle that is evolving here?! And I would do this for days about each entry–I guess this explains the sad lack of entries!

Harmony encourages people, that to be a successful blogger you need to keep to these 7 basic items in mind…thanks for stating them so simply!2-4-14C post Cloud with polka dots - aquaFor the next few weeks I am going to adhere strictly to these 7 guidelines and see how it goes…thank you Modern Mommy Madness!

Maybe now my blog entries will be sparkling with vitality! {at least that is my goal!}

For more “honesty and insanity in one fell swoop”…check out the Modern Mommy Madness blog. Harmony’s posts are always a fun read! http://www.modernmommymadness.com

Until next time friends…I’d better start working on my pizzazz!


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