
I am the southern born and bred child of Kansas transplanted parents. Therefore, I cannot claim being a “true Cajun”. I do not have a traditional accent, nor am I able to cook a roux (both are pre-requisites of being “Cajun”). However, I love the rich culture attached to my home state. I have lived in Louisiana more years than not. By living out-of-state I began to truly appreciate the color and pizzazz that this humid, southern climate has to offer. It certainly is not a perfect place…but I am proud to call it MY home. {Since writing the above paragraph, I have learned how to cook a roux! Yay!}Yep...that's me!

Art has been apart of my life since my first memories…I have always enjoyed being creative. The first time I really remember “drawing” something was with my 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Beeson. I was so focused on that art class as an 8-year-old. I remember where I was sitting in class, I remember specific instructions. I do not know if that “sad clown” I drew still exists, but that simple chalk drawing was the beginning of my love of art.

I laugh now, but in 5th grade I meticulously drew pictures of every child in my class. I am sure they all ended up in the trash, but I felt like that was a monumental task for me as a 10-year-old.

I did a lot of painting and drawing in high school. With a fellow artist, I even had the privilege of painting murals all over the school. I drew and painted as much as time would allow. Some day I will share with you about my first commissioned job…it was a doozie!

Moving on to college, I took as many art courses as I could. I discovered that “perspective drawing” is just not my thing. I got my first B in an art class, and I am pretty sure it about fried my brain that semester! I did not complain too much about my B, because it was truly a struggle for me!

During college I helped design and build several large scale sets for the stage. Since then, I have worked on countless Vacation Bible School sets and other performance sets.

After graduating college I was offered a position as an artist at Hobby Lobby Corporate in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. While working there, I entered a world of fun designing…the artists worked on stamps, stickers, metal shapes, headers, signs, scrapbook page designs. It was a dream job! I enjoyed every minute of it!

Then I had experience working for LamarGraphics designing billboards. I learned a lot during my time in this advertising business. I was trained how to see designs simply and build artwork quickly. Valuable skills for me!

Since then, I went back to school and was certified to teach elementary school. I taught both 4th and 5th grades. I also taught private group and private individual art lessons. I have held summer art camps and painted murals in more homes and buildings than I can keep track of any more!

I like so many of the visual arts, but some of my favorites are…watercolour and acrylic; painting murals (especially children’s murals); graphic arts; nature photography; cookie and cake decorating…

I love taking ordinary every day things and making them beautiful and unique.

“The things that make me different are the things that make me.”  

―     A.A. Milne

Yep…that’s me!


  1. March 19, 2014 / 5:16 pm

    So privileged to call you my friend! You are a TRUE artist! Love, Angela

    • thedoodleoven@cox.net
      March 19, 2014 / 10:32 pm

      Thank you so much! But you must know that I feel the same way about you! Your artwork has inspired me to keep working and trying! 🙂
      So glad we became friends in college! 🙂

  2. April 6, 2014 / 12:15 am

    Great to learn more about you! 🙂 Luvs2TeachinCA

    • thedoodleoven@cox.net
      April 8, 2014 / 2:05 pm

      Thank you, Karen! 🙂
      It was kind of tricky to decide what to put online and what to leave “personal”. 🙂
      Hope you are well!

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